Originally Posted by steveshane67
if/when you ump a rec league SP game, how many times do you see a 1B or C stand in the baseline w/o possession of the ball???? i see it ALL THE TIME, theres no harm, IMO, in writing something like "obstruction is any act in which a fielder interferes with a runner, being in the baseline without possession of the ball is a form of obstruction. contact is not necessary for obstruction."
And even if they understand what obstruction is, it won't stop it from happening. I see it hundreds and hundreds of times a year, from the top levels on down to the bottom. Simply knowing a rule means nothing.
Originally Posted by steveshane67
EDIT: this cliffs notes version would not be geared to players who know what RS 10 is, or who would have any idea on how to argue a check swing. more to inform players of, generally speaking, what is and is not allowed. This makes sense to me in my head, im not sure if im not writing it well enough that everyone else doesnt understand what im trying to say.
My point was that players already play enough "pick and choose" when it comes to the rules, and this will not help them to gain any sort of clarity. If it's a truly rec league, why should they concern themselves with the rules so much? There's a time and place for a friendly neighborhood game without umpires making every call, and that's just fine with me. However, I can only imagine how ugly it would get if something like this were ever created.