Thread: Shooting Foul
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Old Fri Nov 13, 2009, 10:29pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Another Look ???

Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
Really? You might want to look at that again.
The ball becomes dead, or remains dead, when:
ART. 1 A goal, as in 5-1, is made.
ART. 5 An official’s whistle is blown (see exceptions a and b below).
ART. 6 Time expires for a quarter or extra period (see exception a below).
ART. 7 A foul, other than player- or team-control, occurs (see exceptions a, b and c below).
ART. 9 A violation, as in 9-2 through 13, occurs (see exception d below).
EXCEPTION: The ball does not become dead until the try or tap ends, or until the airborne shooter returns to the floor, when:
a. Article 5, 6, or 7 occurs while a try or tap for a field goal is in flight.
b. Article 5 or 7 occurs while a try for a free throw is in flight.
c. Article 7 occurs by any opponent of a player who has started a try or tap for goal (is in the act of shooting) before the foul occurred, provided time did not expire before the ball was in flight. The trying motion must be continuous and begins after the ball comes to rest in the player’s hand(s) on a try or touches the hand(s) on a tap, and is completed when the ball is clearly in flight. The trying motion may include arm, foot or body movements used by the player when throwing the ball at his/her basket.
d. Article 9 as in 9-3-3 or 9-13-1, occurs by an opponent.

bob jenkins: So what your saying is that because the ball is no longer in flight, it has already been dunked, and has gone through the basket, the ball is dead, even though the shooter may still be airborne?

If that's the case, good point. I could have sworn that Back In The Saddle made a valid point. Now we really know, for sure, why they say, "Always listen to bob".
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