Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Craig Cress' interview with Fast Pitch Radio Show addressed the issue of the mask. It would, in fact, have to get NOCSAE-certified if they were to require such an item on the field. Just one more thing to add to the list, right?
Which would require the development of a safe standard, development of masks to meet that standard, NOCSAE approval which requires a one-year probationary period and ONLY then will a certification be applied which will require a stamp on the equipment which, like the batting helmet mask, require a purchase of new equipment by all those involved.
Then comes all the whining, crying and accusations of ASA conspiring with the manufacturers to force people to buy a product which is mandated.
And then ASA becomes the bad guy when these teams show up for a tournament with non-approved equipment because "they let us use these at home".
What next, mandatory chest plates for all infielders and batters since a thrown/batted ball to the chest can kill them?