How many posters are aware that in some American public schools, attempts were make to convert left-handed children to right-handedness? A left-handed child literally had his left arm tied behind his back in class, to force use of the right hand. Parents of left-handed children were not consulted and could not opt their child out of the program. This was still going on in some schools as late as the 1960s.
The theory was that left-handedness is such a terrible disadvantage in life that the end justifies the means. Supporters of the theory cited the fact that pens in banks and government agencies were usually placed on the right for the convenience of customers and various applicants. There was also plenty of psychobabble about how and why left-handed people are more likely to suffer this or that mental condition or fail at this or that endeavor.
There was also a small and short-lived movement against using the term left-handed in a negative way, as in left-handed compliment. This movement also expressed dismay at the fact that antonyms for right were both left and wrong, which could psychologically damage left-handed people.
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!