Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
Middle schools in my metro area don't have leagues. There's only rec leagues. Our local rec league plays 9 minute running quarters for 3rd & 4th grade, 6 minute stop time quarters for 5th & 6th and 7 minute stop time quarters for 7th & 8th and also HS. This seems to work out fine.
The "competitive" rec leagues around here mostly play 8 minutes stop time quarters regardless of grade level, except 5th grade (that's the grade they start at) plays 7 minutes.
I have such a variety here in the numerous leagues and age categories that I get with the coaches before the game to ensure we all agree on the rules.
I ref in two counties - one county has no MS Games and only Rec and AAU, and the other has MS. MS = 6 minute quarters for 7th grade and 7 minute quarters for 8th.
One Rec league has 20 minute running clocks at all age levels while the other messes with 7 and 8 minute quarters except for the 16-18 yr olds who do 9 minute quarters, which I detest.
I try to carry a copy of the Rec league rules with me at all times just in case.....and their have been cases.