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Old Wed Nov 11, 2009, 07:06pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
THanks for the citations. I was getting that situation mixed up with the injury situation. (Don't you wish there was just a little bit of consistency).
I agree 100%. I get upset with the NFHS people when they make rulings which are contrary to established principles. I'm a big believer that the rules of the game need to adhere to set of principles and fundamentals. Those can be easily taught to officials and provide them with the necessary information to reason their way through any odd-ball situation which should arise. This is not possible if there is no logical thread throughout all of the rules. It then becomes a situation in which the officials must simply memorize the rules for situations A, B, and C and apply them. There is no way that can be taught. One just has to remember and that is when mistakes get made. Excellent referees often have trouble recalling a ruling from ten years ago, and if it has changed or is still the same. On the other hand a collection of solid fundamentals will always serve one well.
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