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Old Tue Nov 10, 2009, 09:34pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
How did this 60 second mandatory (incorrect) myth start? Does it have anything to do with Stat-Man's correctable error citation? What's the citation for using a 30 if they don't have a 60?
Yes, this stems from the CE rule. The rules citation has gone through several changes in the past decade.

The current reference is 10-5-1(c), but the language is vastly different than it has been.
Current Language: "The head coach may stand and/or leave the coaching box to confer with personnel at the scorer’s table to request a time-out as in 5-8-4."

In the 2003-04 book it was 10-5-1 (b and c) and the text looked like this:
b. Confer with personnel at scorer's table to request a 60-second time-out for a correctable error, as in 2-10.
c. Confer with personnel at scorer's table to request a 60-second time-out to prevent or rectify a timing or scoring mistake or alternating possession mistake.

In 2004-05 it was changed to the following:
10-5-1(b) . . . Confer with personnel at scorer's table to request a 60-second time-out (or one 30-second time-out if that is the only type of time-out remaining) for a correctable error as in 2-10, or to prevent or rectify a timing or scoring mistake or alternating possession mistake.

In 2005-06 it was "reorganized" and "clarified" to read:
10-5-2 . . . The head coach may request a time-out or signal his/her players to request a time-out, while within the confines of the coaching box. The head coach may also confer with personnel at scorer's table to request a 60-second time-out (or one 30-second time-out if that is the only type of time-out remaining) for a correctable error as in 2-10, or to prevent or rectify a timing or scoring mistake or alternating possession mistake.

That lasted until 2008-09 when it was changed yet again to the current version.

And now you know the rest of the story.
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