Originally Posted by Camron Rust
If the assistant doesn't become the head coach, then who has the permission to call timeout from the bench? Who is responsible for replacing DQ'd players?
he book says, quite clearly, that those responsibilities/rights are limited to the head coach.
Unless someone is saying that a team no longer has to replace DQ'd players or can no longer call timeout from the bench, the only way that is possible is for the assistant to become the new "head coach". They are now fully and completely responsible for the team and have all rights and privileges of a head coach that the position has not already lost.
Do you suppose JAR will be back to argue that since the AC is not the HC that the team cannot replace DQ'd players, but that they also cannot play with fewer...so, they have to forfeit for failing to follow the referee's directive.
BTW, does this same twisted logic (not Carmon's logic, the counter argument) also extend to the crew? If the R were to become injured and could not continue would the crew have to continue without an R? You'd better pray it doesn't happen in the first half or there would be nobody to administer the throw-in to start the second half.
Or, even better... The R injures himself tossing A's HC. Later in the game A5 fouls out. But there is no HC to replace him. No problem, we forfeit the game. Whoops, we've got no R. We cannot play without the replacement. We cannot end the game. 10,000,000 years from now archeologists uncover a high school gymnasium full of bodies, a couple in striped shirts, who all died of old age.