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Old Mon Nov 09, 2009, 09:25pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Injured Player, 30 or 60 ???

This situation came up at out refresher test study session tonight. No one could seem to find a citation for this situation.

A1 is injured and the head coach of Team A is beckoned onto the court. The coach immediately comes out onto the court to tend to A1. A1 immediately gets up and declares that he's alright and ready to play. Team A has all five of their timeouts available, three 60's, and two 30's. The entire sequence of the injury, the coach beckoned, the coach tending, and the player declaring he's ready to continue play takes less than 30 seconds.

Does Team A have to take a 60 second timeout to keep A1 in the game?

We all knew that if Team A had used all their 60's, that they could keep A1 in the game with a 30.

For some reason, many at the study session believe that a 60 must be used to keep an injured player in the game if the team has a 60, even if the sequence takes only 30 seconds. None of us could find a rule, casebook play, or any other type of citation. Is this one of those myths?

Inquiring minds want to know. Heck. I want to know.
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