Originally Posted by cc6;634 929
The book shows that just like in this thread, a lot of verbal spats take place in the umpiring world. It seems like all kinds of non-umpiring stuff (i.e. the stuff about Ria) finds it's way into being an umpire. It's unfortunate, but the book suggests it's a reality of the profession. I'd be interested to hear what Tee and others have to say about this.
It's the reality of all professions. The gossip at APA and CPA conferences and conventions is unreal. At the university level, the talk of which professor is sleeping with which dean is fodder in the cafe and at the pub. What I hear from those ML and MiLB umpires with whom I have had the opportunity to share a beverage or two is nothing more extreme or different from any other profession.
Remember, Weber had to select among many many hours of conversations and quotes and minimize the opporutnity for law suits. I'll bet my next game fee that in person, he has even more interesting stories to tell.