Originally Posted by Durham
Well ... Sleeping with the girl at the hotel front desk is a conflict of interest, sleeping with the promo girl is a conflict, sleeping with the GM's wife or daughter is a conflict, but those things happen and you don't hear about em, so they are a CoI to you are they?
Just saying, only a CoI if it affects an umpire's work, and most that I know only want one thing, to get **** right.
It is a CoI if it is reasonable to predict that it will affect the umpire's work. A close personal relationship with a person over whom you are expected to carry out unbiased authority is always a CoI, whether in umpiring, the military, business, or government. Conflict of Interest does not require actual bias for it to be present. All it requires is that the person who is supposed to be unbiased has a conflict presented by his two interests (friendship v umpiring, for example).
I'm only speaking in the abstract here, not in the specific wrt the female umpire. She may very well have been submarined by false accusations, I don't know. But the CoI by an umpire having an intimate relationship with a player has nothing to do with whether the intimate relationship is immoral, or even whether it is known. It it exists, it is a CoI.