Thread: Lane Spaces
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Old Thu Nov 05, 2009, 02:16pm
CMHCoachNRef CMHCoachNRef is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
I understand how moving everyone up has helped. I don't understand how the "near" rule has done squat.

1. How many coaches and players are actually aware of it.
2. How many times did you see it broken last year (I know, it wasn't a rule, but the question still stands.) I never saw a single play last year that would have been addressed by this new rule, maybe it's regional.
It was definitely done in Central Ohio -- that by tons of teams, but by a noteworthy number. I saw a number of situations last year that are no longer permitted. My first scrimmage is tomorrow night. Since the OHSAA decided to drop the Annual State Meeting, it will be interesting to see how well the word got out to coaches and referees. This "near" rule was not even discussed at our local meeting covering rule changes until I brought it up.

I still feel that the "wait til it hits rule" is unnecessary and prejudicial since it treats certain shots from 15 feet different from others. If we were really that concerned about "cleaning up" plays on rebound action, why not make everyone freeze on every shot until the ball hits something? It is up to us referees to "clean up" rebound action. Freezing players in position until a certain event then allowing collisions does not mean much to me.
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