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Old Thu Nov 05, 2009, 12:20pm
justanotherblue justanotherblue is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: At the base of the mountains
Posts: 377
What makes this a big deal, as already pointed out is immaturity, jealousy, as well as ones need to excel at all costs. Umpiring is a cut-throat occupation. At all levels, there are those that have to degrade, belittle and ridicule another umpire to feel better and spread false hoods or accusations, all in an attempt to "move up", at any cost or expense. No doubt something we all have done one time or another to some degree. I've worked with one umpire that I know of on this forum, I would go to war with him anytime, hopefully he feels the same. I try not to make "those" statements, as I also have some glass in my house. I will never make an accusation on hear say or innuendo. Especially if I have never worked with that individual. Nor should you. Ria's goal was to become the first woman in MLB, do you really believe she would jeapordize that, knowing she is/was under the microscope at all times. Maybe the next time a single fellow umpire goes out and gets laid, you should also report him to your assigner, church and the moral police.
Its' not a matter of being right or wrong, it's a matter of working hard to get it right.
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