Originally Posted by bob jenkins
11) Hmm... we've discussed this one before. 
Originally Posted by Interp #11
"...the official may put the correct time on the clock, but must make some allowance for the touching by A1 – likely 10ths of a second, if displayed."
So, am I reading this right, are they revising the theory of "definite knowledge"?
I certainly understand there are no "do-overs", and in this sitch once the TI has ended, we can't go back. We would put the ball in play by a spot TI closest to where the ball was at the time of the official's whistle. Ideally the official would also put the correct time back on the clock due to definite knowledge (perhaps due to a continuation of the 5-sec. throw-in count). But are they also saying that we can "guess" a few tenths of a second, because we "must make some allowance for the touching by A1"?