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Old Thu Oct 29, 2009, 01:19pm
SAK SAK is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 284
Free throw Violation

Rule 9-1-4 states If there is a violation fist by the free-thrower's opponent followed by the free thrower or a teammate:

b. If the second violation is by the free thrower or a teammate behind the three-point line, both violations are penalized, as in penalty item (3).

9-1-3 states: If there is a simultaneous violation by each tea, the ball becomes dead and no point can be scored. Remaining free throws are administered or play is resumed by the team entitled to the alternating-possession throw-in from the spot nearest to where the simultaneous violation occurred.

Question is, if team A1 is shooting and B2, in a marked lane space, violates followed by a violation from A1; how can you penalize both. If B2 was the only one to violate you have a delayed violation and A1 is awarded a replacement throw if the throw does not go in. If A1 is the only one to violate then the ball should become dead immediately. So how is it that no point is allowed to be scored. It seems that the penalty to more harsh for team A than it is for team B especially as team B may have the opportunity to get the ball on the ap throw-in?

I think I know the rule but just don't understand the rational behind it.
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