Originally Posted by bob jenkins
That's not what he's talking about, Jeff. He's talking about the life expectancy of a specific pair of shoes being worn -- not the product life span of a particular model. THe midsole gives out well before (usually) the upper or outersole, and the shoes won't be as comfortable and can lead to the problems identified.
Originally Posted by refnrev
Bob is right. If you wear bad or worn out shoes you're gonna feel it in the knees, hips, feet, and shins... especially when you have knees like mine!
That can be true. But you can have a shoe that "fits" well and does not give you the support you need. I know, I had to buy some orthotics to take care of my issues with an arch. And I was having problems with shoes that seem to fit well, but did not give me what I needed and they were new. That is why shoes are such a personal thing and even the NCAA suggested that shoes should be replaced often and in many cases we should have shoes professionally fit to see how we run. Because apparently how you run and how your foot comes down has a lot to do with lower leg problems.