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Old Tue Oct 27, 2009, 01:04pm
ajmc ajmc is offline
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Originally Posted by kfo9494 View Post
I saw this in a game Saturday. Kickers were trying an onside kick. The ball hit the ground within the netural zone and took a high bounce. R came up about two yards inside the netural zone to attempt a catch. As the R player was attempting to catch, and before even touching the ball he was blocked out of the way by a K player.
I know it is not Fair-Catch-Int since the ball had already hit the ground. But after hitting the ground and before going the ten yards can K block R out of the way?
this happend in a NCAA game but if different would like NF rule Thanks
NF: 2-3-5b indicates; "a defensive player may also: Push, pull or ward off an opponent in an actual attempt to get at the runner or a loose ball if such contact is not pass interference, a personal foul or illegal use of the hands."

NF: 9-2-3 defines "Illegal Use of the Hands" which does not detail any prohibition relative to blocking R in the NZ following a free kick, although NF: 9-3-4 does provide additional protection to the "kicker or place kick holder of a free kick may not be blocked before: (a) He has advanced 5 yards beyond his FK line (b)The kick has touched the ground or any other player.
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