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Old Mon Oct 26, 2009, 11:57am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by john_faz View Post
In a freshman game, I had a coach act as the ball boy and then called his offense play while he was handing me the ball in themiddle of the field. I gave him a verbal warning but should have flagged him for a sideline warning or perhaps even an USC.

Any thoughts?
I would have a problem with a coach doing this. He needs to pick a role and stick to it. He could find a kid that is not playing the game to come out and bring the ball. But how often could this really happen anyway? You cannot arbitrarily change the ball every play unless you have some weather issues.

Originally Posted by jTheUmp View Post
If he's acting as the ball boy, he should've tossed you the ball from the sideline... or maybe from a few yards inside the sideline. Under no circumstances should a 'ball boy' end up in the middle of the field.

That said, in a freshman game I probably would've just given the coach a warning like you did.
Well our ball boys come to the middle of the field or closer to where the officials are. I disagree that under no circumstances should a ball boy be in the middle of the field. Maybe that is your local custom or practice and that is fine with me.

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