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Old Mon Oct 26, 2009, 11:46am
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
The school is getting endorsement dollars for putting brand name shoes on the athletes, who get nothing from it. I've never really been too high on letting the athletes get paid, but I hadn't really considered the endorsements which have the schools getting money directly for the players' behavior.

And don't tell me the kids are getting scholarships out of the deal. They get the scholarships for playing basketball, not for wearing a particular brand of clothing.
And who are the players representing when they play - themselves or the school? It's the school, who provides the uniforms. If the school wants an endorsement on the uniform and the player plays for that school, then the player should wear the endorsement - unless, of course, he or she wants to buy their own uniforms (and other equipment).

Just try telling some HS kid who wants to go to the University of Oregon that they'll have the choice of not wearing a Nike logo on their game uniform.
Yom HaShoah
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