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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 26, 2009, 07:48am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
derwil said in the OP:
1. Hard hit ball to third base. Initially hits the ground 5 ft past 3b, about 1 ft foul. PU (not me) signals fair ball. His explination is that it was fair when it went past 3b. Is this correct? I understand if it was a grounder past 3b but the inital contact was in foul territory.
NCASAUmp in response:
Not if it first touched the ground beyond 3B... That's a foul ball, blue.
One thing to keep in mind, and this pisses off the players more often than not, is if the ball bounds over any part of the base in fair territory, where it lands after that is irrelevant. The PU in the OP probably saw the ball go over the base in fair territory.
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