Situations From This Weekend's Tournament
Had a pretty good ASA tourney here in B'ham this weekend. Temps on Sat were a little cool but Sunday was perfect. Couple situations I wanted to run by ya'll..........
1. Hard hit ball to third base. Initially hits the ground 5 ft past 3b, about 1 ft foul. PU (not me) signals fair ball. His explination is that it was fair when it went past 3b. Is this correct? I understand if it was a grounder past 3b but the inital contact was in foul territory.
2. Pop up to 1st base. 1b runs to the line put her glove up and muffs it. Glove/ball in foul territory, player in fair. I called foul ball. OC ticked because the BR made it to 1st.
3. Pop up to 1b. BR trotting to 1st in her lane in foul territory. 1B muffs the catch again and ball hits glove in fair territory then the BR in foul territory before it comes back to the ground. I got nothing.....
4. Runner beats out a throw at 1B. Her speed carries her through the base several steps. She stops and thaks a few steps back towards first the her coach yells to her go to second. Ball is is back in the circle at this point. She reaches second without a problem because 2B was covering 1B and SS was asleep. I called time and was about to put her back to first for making her initial move back to 1B, but partner said that was leagal - she was looking for the ball position. I wasn't happy about it but I wasn't going to argue with him. Any ideas?
Thanks for the help....
If it's a foul on that end, IT'S GOTTA BE A FOUL ON THIS END!!!!!