Mon Oct 19, 2009, 02:47pm
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 20
Originally Posted by whitehat
If live ball, dead ball then you enforce the live ball first, see where you are with line to gain, then enforce the dead ball foul. If the order was the same (live ball PF by B, then dead ball by A) then the results here would be the same, since the live ball PF gainst B would be enforced from the end of the run (same as succeeding spot for DB foul).
If A had fouled first then you would go back from the 16 yard line to the 31. then back down to B's 16 for B's foul. This order would in essence offset the fouls putting the ball back where is started after the play, leaving A short of the line to gain, once again 3rd and 6 from the 16.
I think that gets it, unless I missed soemthing..
If live ball was first, we would repeat 2nd down.... other than that looks good....