I said this before, McCarver is an IDIOT! He ALWAYS talks as though he is always right, KNOWS what pitch is about to be thrown, and knows what is going to happen before it happens. I did look up his lifetime stats, and they were better than I had expected. Lifetime .272 batting, and played 21 years. He did face a lot of big name pitchers, but he is not a Hall of Famer.
He was probably a solid catcher/player, I just don't like his guessing like he knows before something happens.
My favorite was earlier this season, he quotes" boy, this catcher is really doing a good job (catching) of keeping the pitches out of the center of the plate"????
What the H*#$ ? I thought the pitcher pitched the ball. Every one knows all ML catchers do not set up with the glove in the middle of the plate. We teach this at 10 y/o.