Thread: Jr High...GIRLS
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Old Mon Oct 19, 2009, 09:46am
PIAA REF PIAA REF is offline
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Jr High...GIRLS

Well during the regular season I don't do anything sub-varsity because my schedule is full with varsity and college assignments. However I decided that I would take some fall jr. high girls games this year. I asked the assignor to put me with new officials that may need some help, which he did. I had a parocial (catholic) double header on Saturday. What a fiasco. It was the "big"game well they thought it was, partner was a no show. Another official was there watching and they asked him to help (I might have been better doing it solo) Game 1 was fine. Game 2 the "varsity" was aweful Teams were both poor, but the fans and coaches thought they were great. Gym was way to tiny (Stage is outofbounds on one side) 2 T's one on a person running on court without being called on, during a live ball. And one on visiting coach for driving me nuts. AHHH! Sorry just needed to vent to others who have been there.
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