Originally Posted by Camron Rust
I tried NB once after many recommendations from this board....they felt like I was running with a pair of bricks with slots chipped out for my feet. Stiff, no size fit well, and generally felt like the worst pair of shoe's I'd owned for a long time.
I buy whichever shoes fit best. For my feet, that is Nike or Offiical Footwear ( Official Call - Basketball or Official Footwear Referee Shoes: Ump Attire).
I'm curious. which NB shoes did you try? I've been a big fan of almost every NB shoe I've ever tried. I even buy NB for my non-officiating gym shoes, usually the same make/style, just in white. However, I got the 888's a couple years ago (as I recall because the stopped making my beloved 609's). I hated them. Still do. The fit, sizing, feel, everything about them is completely different from my previous experience with them.
Sadly I'm too cheap to just chuck them out. So I learned to make due (I added Spenco inserts and wear 2-3 pairs of sock with them). I figured I'd replace them as soon as they showed signs of age. But they still haven.t They are maddeningly sturdy and show no signs of needing replaced. Even after 2 seasons as my only pair of officiating shoes.
I don't have a point. Just whining a bit, while putting on my second pair of socks. Off to do a couple AAU games.