Originally Posted by MrUmpire
Nothing whimsical here. A poster named fair/foul as THE easiest call in baseball. I disagreed. You asked for examples. I gave you three.
A high fly ball dropping fair or foul with zero chance of a player or players screening him is the easiest call in umpiring. Not
any fair/foul,
that fair/foul.
And I re-stated it because the chronically disagreeable LDUB once again stated that my personal opinion is wrong, but made no claim of an easier call in so doing.
Some of these examples of easier "calls" are pretty curious. That call he blew is the easiest call in umpiring. Just because some of you can imagine that there is something easier, doesn't change my opinion.
I have enjoyed watching you try to come up with an easier call. That's dedication to a cause. Very admirable.