Welcome to the United States of America where you even have the freedom to be an *******.
Rant on!
Personally, I'm sick and tired of the people in this country believing there is some God-given right to be vengeful toward those which we find offensive.
You don't like what this announcer says, he needs to lose his job; You don't like how a person paints their house, you sue them; A girl shares a Midol with her HS classmate, she needs to be expelled from school and denied an education; Someone has an accident and not only should they suffer the accident, but they should be put behind bars and never be allowed to work for any company again; A little boy kisses a little girl and he needs to register as a sex offender the rest of his life.
Thousands and thousands of men and women did not give up their lives or parts of them so that the citizens of this country could be so smug and self-righteous.
Even in tragedy, the people of this country have developed a pattern: Mourn, throw money at it (after all, we know money solves everything), memorialize and then the biggest part, find somebody to blame for it. Someone must pay, right? Why must there must be someone to blame? Shall we just remove the words accident and mistake from the dictionary?
How can this country be so screwed up with so many perfect people?
Rant off!
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.