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Old Tue Oct 13, 2009, 10:45am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota View Post
There is a difference between "knowing" and "appearance". With Cuzzi's history, there is the appearance of bias. With the pretend commissioner's history, there is the fact of lack of integrity. With the selection process, there is little or no transparency. With the umpire rating/discipline process, there is no transparency. This is not a good combination.
If they gave you transparency what the heck would that change? Absolutely nothing. No one is going to tell you or anyone what and why decisions are made in private meetings. That is not going to happen in any profession. And just because you say there is bias, does not mean there is bias. You have just questioned a guy's integrity without any backing or any evidence other than what appears to be your own bias. Baseball is not a sport were bias means much of anything as far as I am concerned. This was one play in one game. If they Twins did not give up home runs to A-Rod, maybe they would have won the series or not gotten swept. I guess it was bias that told the pitcher (a former Yankee) to throw the ball down the middle of the plate and have it hit into the baggy.

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