Originally Posted by SCalScoreKeeper
Email the league coordinator with your story.
I did follow the chain of command and sent a memo to our district-level AD with both concerns from this game and the fact that they have had similar issues in the past when we compete in the same league. Will anything happen? Who knows. But someone in authority needs to know what's going on.
Originally Posted by SCalScoreKeeper
Also a rule modification might be in order here.It would say that until this school provides a scorer and book who will work from "The trench" all visiting scorekeepers are considered the official book when playing at this site.
On the rare occasion a home team has its players doing the home book, our coach will ask if I can be designated as official simply because he trusts an adult with 26 years experience over a minor. Such requests usually get granted with no problem.
Originally Posted by BillyMac
NFHS 2-11-11:The scorebook of the home team shall be the official book, unless the referee rules otherwise.
Don't forget this portion, however, concerning discrepancies:
"If the mistake cannot be found, the referee shall accept the record of the official scorebook,
unless he/she has knowledge which permits him or her to decide otherwise." (emphasis mine).
The R in this game was totally unwilling to entertain any other information. In his eyes, the home scorebook was infallible and he was unwilling to see if this discrepancy could be resolved.