Yes, he kicked the call. The ball landed within a foot of the foul line. The ump was in position and made the wrong call. Did it matter that he had a split second to find the ball in his field of vision, the fielder touched the ball and that the ball took a sharp rebound? No, none of that matters.
Another call for instant replay - MLB - Yahoo! Sports
What does matter is that there is a major distinction between a bad call on a banger like this {ball/strike, fair/foul and safe/out} and taking a "mightier than thou" attitude displayed on this thread. Perhaps he was thinking the fielder was going to make the catch and was surprised when he dropped it. It was a serious Matt Holliday moment. His timing was off a bit and in the rush from safe/out he erred on fair/foul. But my point is, let it go already. I'm not referring to any discussion about the call, just those "I-walk-on-water" comments coming out of the fanbox. I'll defend the little SOB.