Originally Posted by RPatrino
I agree Kevin. When I saw the replay the first thing that came into my mind was, "Damn, Cuzzi is in perfect position to make this call, how can he blow it?" He was set, didn't seem to be screened or straightlined. How is it that we see a pitch come right down the pipe, yet we say... "ball"..... ?
The human mind is a mysterious thing.
My last blown "easy one" was a mysterious mind thing all the way. It was headfirst slide into first on a pressure play. I got a great angle, I was set, I waited, listened, saw it right, heard it right, told my tongue exactly what to do (the guy was out by about two feet), and then tongue said
I literally said the wrong word and waved my arms and everything. I don't even know why or how. It just came out.
The coach didn't even come out on me.
It hasn't happened since. But I bet it will someday.
It was easier for me than for Phil, because I'm lowly paid.