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Old Sat Oct 03, 2009, 08:43am
eg-italy eg-italy is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
I'm not familiar with FIBA rules, but in NFHS rules, ignoring the block-charge situation that would make the ball dead, wouldn't this be offensive basket interference. It looks like the ball is dunked while it is still in the cylinder.
I'd say "ignoring the block-charge situation that would make the ball unplayable": in that case neither the offense nor the defense may touch the ball, be it in the cylinder or not. Since the ball leaves the shooter's hand before contact, it's not dead when the contact happens, under some rule sets (it would be dead in Fed if the foul is a charge, I guess, it wouldn't be in FIBA).

In FIBA there's no cylinder: less problems for the officials. The defense is not allowed to touch the ball when it is within the basket; reaching through the basket from below and touch the ball is not allowed to either teams.
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