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Old Fri Oct 02, 2009, 12:23pm
sseltser sseltser is offline
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Originally Posted by Jay R View Post
I started officiating under NCAA rules years ago and then our province went to FIBA rules. I thought I knew most of the rules differences between NCAA and FIBA but I discovered a new one last night.

It refers to a shot clock reset. Turns out that in FIBA, anytime a ball hits the rim; the shot clock is reset. Not just on field goal attempt. So a fairly common play is when a pass is deflected and it touches the rim. I've always advised shot clock operators in that situation not to reset the shot clock. For those of you who officiate FIBA, am I the only guy who didn't realize this or are some of you surprised as well?

Somewhat unrelated... in New York State, the shot clock rules aren't identical to NCAA. It states that any thrown ball that hits the rim is a reset. I wonder if a deflected thrown ball would still warrant a reset. Any thoughts?
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