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Old Thu Oct 01, 2009, 12:43am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Ok, BillyMac, I'll post the play rulings as usual, but someday when I'm gone you're going to have to find yourself another elephant.

2008-09 NFHS Case Book
*8.2 SITUATION B: A1 is fouled and will be shooting two free throws. After A1’s first free-throw attempt, B6 (Team B’s only remaining eligible substitute) replaces B2. A1’s second free-throw attempt is unsuccessful. During rebounding action for
A1’s missed second free-throw attempt, and before the clock starts, A1 pushes B3
in the back causing B3 to roll an ankle. Team B is in the bonus. B3 is unable to
immediately continue playing. Team B requests and is granted a time out in order
to allow B3 to recover from the ankle injury so as to remain in the game. B3 is still
not able to play after the time out has ended. RULING: B2 may return to the game
and replace B3 and shoot B3’s free throw attempts despite having been replaced
since he/she is the only available substitute. (3-3-4)

2006-07 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

SITUATION 11: A1 is injured during a play in which he/she was fouled. As a result, A1 cannot attempt the awarded free throws. A6 replaces A1 and attempts the free throws, which are successful. Team A then calls a time-out. At the conclusion of the time-out, (a) A1 is ready to play, or (b) A7 replaces A6. RULING: In (a), A1 may not re-enter the game until the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has properly started. Legal substitution in (b); A6 may leave the game at any time. Substitution restrictions only apply to being withdrawn and attempting to re-enter without the clock properly starting. (8-2; 3-3-4)

SITUATION 13: Technical foul shooter A1 attempts the first free throw and substitute A6 attempts the second. RULING: Legal. Technical foul free throws may be attempted by any player or eligible substitute. Therefore, two different players may attempt the throws. (8-3)
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