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Old Tue Sep 29, 2009, 07:36am
NCASAUmp NCASAUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
You tell the coach the same thing as I stated before. If it is a strike in the second inning, is it a strike in the 7th if it may draw the ire of the coach? If it is an IP in the second inning, is it a strike in the 7th if it may draw the ire of the coach?

I don't give a damn if the coach is going to blow a gasket. Tell him to talk to the idiot that doesn't know where he is supposed to keep his feet.

How many times have you heard, "How can you make that call now?" or "How can you end a game on a call like that?" Amazing how these coaches/players never argue the call, but the fact that it was made.

So far all I have heard is concern about what the coach is going to think, how you are going to handle that coach, technicalities, who may get an advantage or be subject to a disadvantage, but I haven't heard much about officiating the game, just justification for what may or may not occur during the game.

Again, not suggesting you call every little nit under particular circumstances, but you call what you see as recommended by the association under which the game is being played and use some common sense.
Mike, I'm not saying we should be overly concerned with what the coach thinks. The coach has his/her job, and we have ours. However, when you're explaining a rule or a call to a coach, we need to use arguments that have some teeth to them. Simply shrugging and saying, "well, that's just the rule coach," has very little teeth. Fred's explanation goes into the "why" aspect of the rules, which is what we should all be learning anyway. Again, he wasn't disputing my call, he was disputing the method with which I, and many others have, explained that call. Pointing to a foot in the ground has no teeth. Telling a coach that you saw the batter out of the box on contact and telling the coach that his batter can't be allowed to gain an advantage that way does have more teeth.

To me, this valuable lesson was that of game management via solid rule interpretations and explanations, and I think we're straying from that lesson a little too much.

And yes, I would make that call in the bottom of the 7th. You're talking to an umpire who has called interference to end a semi-final game. Twice.

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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