There appears to have been 2 pitches thrown at the batters head, or maybe 1 on a previous batter and one on the batter in the video. The argument is that it was a curve-ball in which the warning was given and not a fastball. Any off-speed pitch, even if it was intentional and at the head, will always draw an argument. Gibson is arguing with the curve-ball point because he still believes it was intentional, at the head, and because of a previous pitch thrown at a batter's head, and is saying to the manager, wouldn't you want me to defend your team.
Of course, once the warning is given, the opposing team losses its chance at a free shot on the other team, and has to decide whether to retaliate and take the ejection, or wait until the next series, or Spring Training, as has happened in the past when the two do not play each other the rest of the season.
RMSN--As everyone knows, the top 36 MLBU are selected for assignments each season. While every umpires goal is to be the best, (i.e.-#1 rated umpire), obviously everyone cannot be #1. There has to be a #1 and a #68 each year. So, an umpire that rates between #37-40 his entire career will never see (at least theoretically) a playoff assignment. If they go to a true merit system where only the top 24 are picked, an umpire could rate 25-30 every year and theoretically never receive an assignment during his whole career.
While never making the playoffs probably would bother one to no end, I would gladly (while striving my whole career to be #1) be rated in the top 40-60% of umpires my entire career (no I would not enjoy being rated last) and still be a MLBU. Since 2001, Mr. Gibson has received a play-off assignment, every year but 2002 & 2008. As of yesterday, all umpires working a Division assignment have been notified. It should be out on Tuesday from MLB if things are like last year. Glad to hear you like Mr. Gibson.
Last edited by tballump; Sun Sep 27, 2009 at 09:26am.