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Old Fri Sep 25, 2009, 01:39pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Location: In the offseason.
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
I'm lucky, I play pick up ball 1-2 times a week here on base. One of the other regulars is one of my mentors and he's a D1 official. Our group of players has learned to not even to argue on rules anymore. Now if I can just convince the fellas that it's not "boxing out" when you use your back and a$$ to push someone 5 feet from the basket during a rebound, especially when the person you're pushing is airborne.
I also play in the offseason and had a situation yesterday most of you'll all laugh at. Most people in the gym simply accept what I say as gold...but there is one guy that thinks he's God's gift to basketball....

A3 gets an offensive rebound at the FT line and turns to the top to pass the ball to his teammate. His teammate has one foot in the backcourt (specifically...toes at/on the line with the heel completely in the backcourt). He dribbled forward and passed to a teammate who shot.... (no one on the court said anything)

I was watching that game (not saying anything) and another guy who was also watching said to me "That's over-and-back isn't it?" I confirmed. He said to the player, "we'll let you slide on that one".

After a couple of basic words back and forth between them, this guy claims that he knows it is OK to have one foot on the line in HS rules because he "used to ref".

I respond with "How sure are you of that? I'll put money down that it is illegal in every US based rule set. How much? $20? $50? $100?..." I can't remember how high I got but it was in the hundreds I was about to even give him 2:1 odds, but he was curiously silent....he didn't seem so sure any more. I was hoping to make a few bucks but he wouldn't bite.

He does this a time or two a year...I've even sent him copies of NBA, NCAA, and HS rules on certain topics, he never replies. :|
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Last edited by Camron Rust; Fri Sep 25, 2009 at 01:43pm.
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