Thread: Part II
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Old Tue Dec 10, 2002, 01:53pm
zebraman zebraman is offline
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If you missed questions because of they way they were worded, don't sweat it. Sometimes I get the feeling that they (NFHS) never have "test subjects" sit down and run through the test to see if it is perhaps worded poorly in places.

If you struggled because you didn't know the rules, just start studying the books a few minutes a day. It will come. This discussion board is great because some of the questions force you to break out the books once in a while to read up on a rule. I believe that is the intention of the NFHS test as well.


P.S. No backlash, but in my experience, the NFHS test does a pretty good job of showing who knows the rules. There are those who ref on what they think they know and others who have spent the time to actually learn the rules. Anyone who has spent much time on these boards knows that's true (BktballRef is rich on all the $5.00 fees he has collected).

[Edited by zebraman on Dec 10th, 2002 at 12:55 PM]
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