Originally Posted by Leecedar
Hey Guys... I'm looking to get a flipping coin, but I don't want it to have any specific association logo. I've seen the 9/11 commemoratives, but I think I'd rather get one that has just an umpire's mask, or a ball on one side and a bat on the other, or something generic like that. I checked at Honig's, GerryDavis, and pluspos, and all they have is the Zebra coin or football coins.
Any suggestions?
Originally Posted by spiritpins
We have made some flipping coins for groups of officials before. They do have to be orders of over 100. But they are great for organizations or associations. Check us out on the web at www.spiritpins.com
Am I just cynical or does this seem like someone set up a spam posting? Lee comes on here and posts about coins. Suddenly, spirit pins comes on here and makes very first post about coins???? Seems awfully suspicious to me, or maybe it's just the cop in me!!!