Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
My advice? Don't do it. Nails on a chalkboard to an umpire. You would be showing him up and getting on his bad side before the first pitch is thrown.
A protest is your right. If you don't exercise that right when the right moment arises, it's no one's fault but your own. If the LD isn't willing to hear a protest, then maybe you should reconsider whether or not you'd want to play in that league.
I'm with Dave here. Play the game under protest. If the league/tournament doesn't allow protest, shame on the team for taking part in it. Mama Gump was right, Stupid is as Stupid does.
The rule is the old rule. It was changed about, oh, I don't know, 20 years ago! Ol' Smitty here needs to get to a clinic.