ump pregame meeting...
had this happen twice already this fall with the same ASA ump...
Im the team captain, the ump, during the pregame ground rule meeting, says overthrows from the infield are a 1 base award, from the outfield are 2 bases. which is obviously wrong. when asked something to the effect of "i thought ASA just had a blanket 2 base award rule" ump says no, its 1 from infield, 2 from outfield.
what, if anything should i do?
should i bring a hardcopy of the rules to the next game this guy umps? should i place a call to the LD?
what, in other umps opinion, is the best course of action.
on a side note, this isnt the first ASA ump to have this 1 base/2 base philosophy, anyone know where they might have gotten it from? ie was it an old rule that was recently changed?