Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I think it does and really, doesn't make any sense.
Larry, what do you think? Any affect on the umpires with this consolidation?
Mike, are you not on the mailing list of registrations from Steve Walker? I could send it to you, if you want.
Geographically, this may be large, but the fact is that none of these were really large organizations. As a point of comparison, our unified Georgia registered approx 4500 teams in 2008, where the largest of these 5 had 2300, and the newly consolidated would have about 7300. This would be the 5th largest association; still below Texas, Indiana, Pennsylvania and SoCal, just ahead of Indiana and Oklahoma.
Umpire registration for all 5 was less than 900; that places them 9th. Not a great representation for a state with 12 months playing time.
From a management standpoint, 4 less commissioners, 4 less UIC's, 4 less JO Commissioners; one added At Large Player Rep (they had two among the 5 associations, now 3 with 7300). I predict Tony Galloway would be the unified Commissioner, Carlton Benton the JO Commissioner (and a Player Rep), and Morris Uhler as another Player Rep. The smaller associations with little market presence lose out in representation, although certainly the former Commissioners would have some District or Zone title.
With the agreed consolidation of Boston into Massachusetts, and expected (by me, anyway) of Philadelphia into Pennsylvania, I think there is a clear movement that should have other associations concerned.