Stegenref, you were correct, but perhaps more importantly than being correct was the reasoning you used to determine that you were correct. That reasoning will serve you a lot longer and better, than being correct in this situation.
Your Referee was wrong on both the situation, and much more importantly, how he handled it. There are two valuable things you can take from this incident, first; that thinking through the logic of the rule will usually lead you to the correct decision and second; when you get to wear the white hat, that you should welcome questions from crew members because they ALWAYS put you in a win-win situation.
Either you get to explain why you are correct, which would be a positive teaching moment, or after thinking the question through, you may discover you were wrong which gives you an opportunity to avoid making a mistake and learn (or remember) something you should have known.
As for your White Hat, whether he's an idiot or needs a proctologist, is not for either of us to opine. He may have been having a bad day or a brain fart, which all of us are susceptible to from time to time. You might review the general consensus of your research with him, not to show that you were right, (that's evident) but he could benefit from understanding WHY you were right and might even learn the potential benefit available from opening his mind to what his crewmates might offer during the heat of a game.