Originally Posted by Nevadaref
The ball only bounces out of bounds in one of the two cases. In the other case the ball goes directly from the player into the court. That's legal.
I'm not saying that you're wrong, but be careful with your reasoning. The ball actually bounces out of bounds in
both cases:
NFHS- Rule 7
ART. 1 . . . A player is out of bounds when he/she touches the floor, or any
object other than a player/person, on or outside a boundary. For location of a
player in the air, see 4-35.
ART. 2 . . .
The ball is out of bounds:
a. When it touches or is touched by:
1. A player who is out of bounds.
2. Any other person, the floor, or any object on or outside a boundary.
3. The supports or back of the backboard.
4. The ceiling, overhead equipment or supports.
b. When it passes over a rectangular backboard.
I guess the crux of this situation is, what does directly onto the court really mean? It is legal for the throwin player to "dribble" the ball before a throwin. However, it is illegal for a throwin player to throwin a long throwin bounce pass that hits out of bounds, outside the designated spot, before the throwin ends. Again, it comes down to what does directly onto the court mean?
NFHS 9.2.2 SITUATION D: A1 dribbles the ball on floor on the out-of-bounds area before making a throw-in. RULING: Legal, a player may bounce the ball on the out-of-bounds area prior to making a throw-in.