Thu Sep 17, 2009, 12:25pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
The runners in most of my games now a days lead off they don't stand on 1b...LOL
Prior to the pitch? Only if you aren't doing your job.
And the umpires can be about in the same line of sight...and not moving....not a distraction
Yeah, they are a distraction. As a player, I have stopped a game until an umpire moved, twice. As a UIC, I have been asked to have umpire's move by players, FP & SP.
Yep...the slow games....and then there are the Supers with BeP,
You mean the same guy who pulled me aside after a game in OKC and told me I was moving too much behind the plate after avoiding the pitch, told me to stand where I wanted and stay there. Yet at the subsequent UIC clinic NUS members had us outside behind the Biltmore telling us to always position yourself behind the catcher. Pretty rough trying to survive any evaluation when you are getting conflicting authoritive direction.
Been there, done that. Like him, but didn't care for the manner in which he introduced new mechanics at the majors.
and the Majors FP with TW along with some very fine NCAA officials.... Very slow games???.....
Never had the pleasure, but if I wanted to do baseball, I wouldn't have walked away from it after 22 years.
Originally Posted by luvthegame
I am talking about the umpires (I've seen it done) who can stand where THEY need to and NOT interfere. Most of them are OK working their games.
Hot damn! Finally got the formatting correct
However, that didn't keep you from taking a comment out of context. I thought I was clearly referring to your noted fear of termination and whomever could effect such a thing. Apparently not.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.