Originally Posted by Skahtboi
But, it is prejudices like yours and that of Chess Ref that keep the plant from being used to its potential. You see one thing, assume (we all know what happens when we "assume" something) one thing, and therefore think that it has to be the truth.
I don't see how my opinion about Blazer logic is a prejudice. In my experience with the Blazer culture it seems to be the truth. Blazers do have their own logic system.
Before you I have never heard about alternative uses for pot, Other then hemp. My experience in the Blazer culture is not one of trying to light up our homes with hemp electricity but more along the lines of lighting up the end of a joint.
If you go to Blazer forums and somebody comes up with Blazer logic the other people on the board will straight out ask " Have you been smoking ? Cause what you said sounds like stoner thinking"
Stoner thinking , Blazer logic its all good.