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Old Tue Sep 15, 2009, 01:57pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by amusedofficial View Post
The biggest "win" for any college official is to have the integrity to refuse to work as a replacement during a strike.

I find the eagerness with which some would work NBA games during a lockout or strike to be repulsive. The replacement officials would be paid well, and on a scale negotiated by the union through collective bargaining. The pay was set at the bargaining table, where the employees' only leverage is the right to strike. Now, because they're using that leverage, you'd undercut the very tool that allowed you to be paid the wage you'd make as a replacemente official?

There is nothing as despicable as a scab.
For someone who has such a strong opinion, I find it amusing that you have no clue about the situation. No one is striking. It is a lockout.

Plus, that type of attitude is, for the most part, why GM and Chrysler are where they are today. Do you really think that is where you want all US companies? You can strike and fight for higher wages for a couple of years until the company essentially goes bankrupt and shuts down the plant and moves it to a place where unions don't strongarm the company for wages higher than the work is worth.
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