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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Thu Sep 10, 2009, 09:25pm
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
Even when you've got a runner stealing on the pitch, we still verbalize a strike that wasn't swung at, don't we? Does the runner stop?
Yeah, 90'+ away. I call a strike for those around the plate, not the field. THAT is why there are signals.

Either way, we've got calls that we verbalize, and those we don't. I just think it might clear some things up if we actually verbalize "strike" on the hammer. Guess we just disagree. I'll still do it the ASA way until it changes (if it ever changes).[/quote]

A foul tip is handled the same as a swinging strike. The reason is that other than a slight sound, the fact that the ball had been hit is barely distinguishable.
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