Originally Posted by azbigdawg
Mike, I am WELL aware of the dynamics between local/out of town umpires.
I should have framed my question as such.... WHAT organization would have made you travel THAT FAR and not paid for your rooms?
I know you are aware, but I know it happens in ASA as well as others. Hosts are just as different from each other than the brand of ball offered by different sanctioning bodies. Maybe ASA should address what a reasonable distance may be for an umpire, or any other rep, to travel to be considered a "commute" and not require a room.
To use your area as an example, I'll be damned if I want to walk off the field in Tucson at 10pm after my fifth/sixth game of the day, drive back to Mesa only to be back on the field in Tucson at 8:00am the next morning. Yeah, on a map it doesn't look far and it is all Interstate Hwy and during the week, some people probably do that commute, but that is a long drive, even in AZ.
Of course, this is an extreme example, but some people who make these decisions are not always the sharpest pencil on the desk, if you know what I mean.