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Old Mon Sep 07, 2009, 11:16am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,729

Such as things are larger groups we need "warm bodies" for the regular season. In 2009, for the first time in over 20 years, we filled all games with the proper number of umpires:

Probably a factor of the poor Oregon economy. In fact, some officiating groups in Oregon have "frozen" their membership and are not accepting new officials for 2009-2010 season.

We have talked for the last decade on this site about how umpires should "look". An important part of umpiring "appears" to be a first impression.

In Portland about 10 years ago we had a very good umpire that was NEVER getting playoff games. He went ot the assignor and asked, "why don't I get playoff games?"

Commish answered: "You have a beard and a ponytail . . . lose the tail and you'll move up."

Within three years this umpire worked a State Championship Final.

He was smart enough to select his battles correctly.

If I were King and assigned umpires I would be understanding of body art but strict to a sense on items such as ponytails.

I have the "right" to have my own opinions.